NEIBA HALL OF FAME Hall of Fame Process To nominate a person for consideration to the NEIBA Hall of Fame some or all of the following criteria must be met. All nominations will be considered by the NEIBA Hall of Fame Committee. 1) Has coached and completed at least 15 years of active service within the NEIBA. 2) Has made professional and personal contributions to the organization (i.e. Served as a committee member, clinician, or held office with the association). 3) Has contributed significantly to the advancement of College Baseball in New England. 4) A person of high moral character and ethical standards, who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and excellence throughout his career. 5) A person inside or outside the association can be considered by exhibiting extraordinary contributions to the betterment of New England College Baseball. 6) If candidate proceeds further into nomination process a minimum three letters of support may be requested if not submitted with original nomination. 7) Nominees must be unanimously approved by the Honors Committee (nominees must receive 60% of the vote of the HOF commitee to be selected for induction).